Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fresh Air for the Flu

So I got the flu this weekend.
Which, unfortunately, happens to mean that hiking plans were off.
Fortunately we live here: 
So Evan, who was incredibly sweet and attentive to me all weekend, made me a veggie burger (not the greatest first attempt to get some nourishment, but delicious), I grabbed a huge uncomfortable blanket from our linen closet and we headed outside for some sickly nature time. 
Evan, being the recluse that he is, decided this area was too exposed and people would be able to see us from their apartments (oh no) so he found a very nice spot closer to our pond in the woods. 
This pond leads into a small waterfall outside our bedroom window 
once used for a mill on our complex's property.

Evan did some exploring in the general vicinity, and studied the birds beginning their mating rituals by the pond. I spent most of my time figuring out what trees I could climb when I was feeling better or rolled up like a little burrito in my blanket with this view: 
A bug's eye view. 

I find very few things more relaxing and humbling than having my face down in dirt looking at tiny living creatures go about their daily business. My apologies to this week's fallen heroes, all the little buggies I smushed with my blanket burrito of sickliness. 
It doesn't matter how sick I am, I love feeling the
 textures of nature beneath my feet.

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